School skiing trip in France

School Ski Trip | Environmentally Responsible Tourism on your School Skiiing Trip

Our role

At 321ski we recognise and take our responsibility as tour operator seriously. On a personal level the team at 321ski are not only avid skiers and teachers but also professionally qualified Mountain Leaders. Our admiration for the mountains extend to beyond the slopes. We are adamant that all those who enjoy this beauty do so with absolute safety and a total respect for their immediate environment.

In plain terms we will be out of business should our clients or ourselves disrespect the mountain environment, culture or economy.

321ski continues to be involved in environmental factors when we can, and the most obvious benefit of all of this has been through our ongoing enrichment workshops.

School skiing trip in France

Our Suppliers

Our local suppliers, of course, know of the need to uphold their local environment. It is the beauty and rawness of the mountain that attracts millions of skiers every year and we all hope this will continue to be the case.

School skiing trip in France

Carbon Footprint

We ask you to consider your method of transport carefully. In particular the difference of carbon footprint is considerable between air and coach travel, and we ask that you may consider offsetting the carbon footprint with one of the many specialising companies available today. Carbon footprint calculators are readily available on the internet to help you in your accuracy!

School skiing trip in France

In Resort

Whilst in resort please encourage your pupils to stick to the following principles:

  1. Be aware of local customs (revision lunchtime sessions prior to departure...?)
  2. Minimise use of energy in the hotel (turn lights off, re-use towels)
  3. Take all litter home with you ("take only photos and leave nothing but footprints")
  4. Place any relevant litter into recycle bins
  5. Spend locally to boost the economy
School skiing trip in Bad Gastein
321Ski - designed by teachers
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