Tag Archives: 321ski
@KillingtonMtn USA Gondolas powered exclusively by manure!
@killingtonmtn Yes, you heard right! Killington’s K1 Express and Peak Lodge Gondolas are powered solely by manure from local diary farms. 30 gallons is the amount of manure one Vermont cow produces daily, so here’s hoping they keep chewing! Now … Continue reading
Feb Half Term 2016 Amazing Deal!
Glacier skiing, sole occupancy based on at least 40 pupils and 5 teachers, Feb Half Term 2016… Reduced to £825.00 per pupil. Get in touch here as this is strictly first come first served!
New tubing lanes being cut for Folgarida-Marilleva, Italy
Here at 321ski were excited to hear that tubing will be back on the menu for our school ski trips to Folgarida. Several new tubes are being cut as part of the development phase of the ski area around the … Continue reading
How about two Quebec mountains in one skiing week?
321ski are proud to announce two new resorts: Mont Sainte Anne and Stoneham Mountain Resort. Why settle for one resort when you can two in Quebec, Eastern Canada? Mt Saine Anne has a large vertical drop https://321ski.co.uk/resorts/canada/MontSainteAnne(Quebec).php and is paired with naturally … Continue reading
Feb Half Term, Sole Occupancy, Doorstep ski, £825 by coach on 40+5
Feb Half Term 2016 Special offer! School Ski Trip to Passo del Tonale with the benefit of slopes in front of the hotel and behind. And Sole Occupancy. And Glacier. And 50metres from all of the restaurants, shops and other … Continue reading
New bigger offices and new staff!
We have moved! 321ski are very proud to say we have now finally settled into our new Grade II listed offices. Our new details are: Bank House, High Street, Newnham on Severn. Glos GL141BB | Tel: 01594 726342 | info@321ski.co.uk … Continue reading
Fancy being a trailblazer? Kicking Horse, BC, Canada!!
321ski exclusively have Kicking Horse, British Columbia, Canada as a top #321ski destination for #school #ski #trips. You won’t be held up by other British school groups and you will be spoilt with the sheer breath-taking landscape. This mountain was … Continue reading
Child Protection Training for our new Reps 2014
Because we’re teachers ourselves we are the school ski trip company that knows about child protection and safeguarding.
Who is Team 321ski?
One of the things that sets 321ski apart from our competitors, is that we are exclusively run and operated by former UK state and private sector teachers. We speak the same language of our clients and fully understand the challenges … Continue reading
Welcome to our New BLOG!
Welcome to our new blog! We have been excited to bring you this new development to our website for sometime now and are thrilled we are at last up and running! 321ski was developed in 2007 as a sister company … Continue reading