We are so excited to announce our move to new offices in Oxfordshire!! More space, more team-members with our expansion and closer to many of our existing schools. Please also note our telephone number has changed to 01491 824885. Exciting times ahead….
321ski has moved! Tel: 01491 824885
Ready Steady Go! Or…3, 2, 1 ski!!
And we’re now being inundated with 2022 and 2023 school ski trip requests thanks to the new roadmap to recovery.
Don’t miss out – www.321ski.co.uk/quote/
Congratulations Marmot Basin, Jasper, Canada!
Voted #1 by USA Today and excellent #schoolskitrip #321ski destination #Canada #schoolskitrip
Sole Occupancy – new French hotel available for Feb and Easter 2019, and 2020
321ski are delighted to have added an excellent new French hotel for our schools. Sole Occupancy, glacier resort, walk to slopes – and available at both Feb and Easter. What’s not to like…? Click here #321ski #schoolskitrips #schoolskitrip #lesdeuxalpes #offers
Sestriere by coach £765 on 40+4 basis.
Sestriere by air £895 on 40+4 basis.
Be quick – once they’re gone, they’re gone.
New #Febski trip quotes coming in thick and fast! #321ski
321ski still have outstanding ski in ski out and doorstep #skiing options for #February2019. Quote here
Competition! Name a ski run! #321ski #MarmotBasin
Your chance to name your own ski run! One of the most best #schoolskitrip resorts #MarmotBasin #321ski #schoolskiingtrip Enter: https://www.skimarmot.com/Name%20Tres
Why not ask for a quote as well? https://321ski.co.uk/resorts/canada/Jasper(Rockies).php
Jasper opens new ‘Tres Hombres’ slopes adding #321ski #schoolskitrip value
One of our most popular resorts opens their Tres Hombres slopes, the first time in over 14 years for the resort. This adds even more to the quality of our #schoolskitrips to the Rockies. http://www.321ski.co.uk/resorts/canada/Jasper(Rockies).php
Santa Claus chooses one of our favourite #schoolskitrip resorts
Santa Claus is known for shimmying down chimneys, but for one day a year, dozens of Santas try to avoid tumbling down a mountain.
The 18th annual Santa event took place at Sunday River ski resort in western Maine on Sunday. The event is highlighted by Santas skiing and snowboarding down the slopes to raise money for the Sunday River Community Fund, which benefits groups in the area.
Why not enjoy a trip there and see why it is the number one choice of Santa? https://321ski.co.uk/resorts/usa%20(east%20coast)/SundayRiver(Maine).php
And the #snow has arrived #Sestriere #snowsureschoolskitrip